Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The clarity of good conversation

Sometimes, what you need most is a chance to talk it out. Whether a phone call with a friend or a few pints with someone new, getting that deep into a conversation can lead to you making some surprising revelations.

Recently, while catching up with someone who I only sort of knew, having met them during what I now see as my lowest, most hermit-like point, the conversation inevitably turned to likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits. As I revealed my hockey-playing history, my love of sports and video games, and my slight (OK, significant) obsession with high heel shoes and baking, she commented about how I was going to make some man very, very happy.

And, while I confess, this conversation did sort of highlight the idea that I might be a real catch - not a bad thought for a newly single girl - the best part for me was the surprise of my answer: "You know, you might be right. But right now, I'm more concerned about making myself happy."

No grandiose statements about no men, or no relationships, or promises of timelines. Just permission to be a little bit selfish.

1 comment:

  1. Your response is the smartest thing I've read all week. Enjoying your blog.
