Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm me again

Initially I waffled on whether or not to change my name back. I'd just gone through the lengthy and rather cumbersome process of changing it in the first place. And six hours in line at the DMV do not a happy girl make.

But every time I pulled out my cards, or signed a form, it was a reminder of that other life. The one that didn't work for me. That other person I had been - the miserable, lonely person who isolated herself from her friends and was once spotted out for coffee in glasses, sneakers, yoga pants and no mascara.

That person, and that name, just stopped meshing with the person I am now. And the person I was before. So I changed it. And I can't express the glee that came with the arrival of those less-than-flattering ID cards.

Maybe it was a hassle. And maybe it wasn't necessary for practicality's sake. But, for the symbolism, and that feeling of being truly myself again, it certainly was worth it.


  1. My first marriage ended in divorce after 8 months. I could not wait to get my old name back, so I know the feeling.

    For me it was reminder of how stupid I'd been to marry the wrong guy -- I wanted him and his name erased from my life.

    Good for you!

