Thursday, November 4, 2010

Drama queen?

At least once or twice a week, someone will comment on how exciting or complicated my life is. Comparisons to Sex and the City - if only I had Carrie's closet! - and soap operas abound, as friends and colleagues somewhat wistfully confess they're living vicariously through my adventures big and small.

Yes, my schedule is packed. And, perhaps, my habit of nicknaming the boys who catch my eye is a little bit sitcom-esque. The overlapping social circles that fill my evenings, complicated by crushes, friends' relationships and my own separation, do create the need for some social planning to keep life running smoothly.

For example, my weekend includes a party for a friend shared with my ex - hello, who gets an invite to that party? Or, gasp, do they invite us both? - and an event where I will most likely run into a gentleman I was previously somewhat involved with and a fellow whose affections are sadly not returned. A little complicated. Not to mention the fact that I've got to schlep all over town and coordinate with my rather erratic work schedule. Hopefully, with a little bit of planning - and maybe a friend doing buffer duty - all should run smoothly with only the slightest bit of awkwardness, most likely entirely on my part.

OK, so maybe it's more than a little complicated. But, despite the occasional bit of drama, whether it's of my own creation or willingly shouldered from friends, I wouldn't call myself a drama queen - though my mother, having survived me as a 13-year-old may disagree.

Instead, I feel like such complications are really just a by-product of trying, as best I can, to fearlessly pursue happiness. Sometimes, that means taking a risk and falling on my face. Sometimes, despite my best intentions, that means disappointing a friend or accidentally hurting someone's feelings. Sometimes, it leaves me blushing - man, I wish I could control that - and praying that I could go back to hiding under the covers.

Sometimes, though, it results in amazing opportunities, both professionally and socially, meeting incredible new people and, quite simply, having a ridiculous amount of fun. And when the payoff is that good, isn't it worth letting life get a little bit messy?

1 comment:

  1. Life is drama. Period.

    We are all drama queens at one time or another.

    I hate that label and hate when people call me one. Do I tend to overdramatize things? Sure. Doesn't mean I get off on it.

    If drama did not exist in our lives, life would be a hell of a lot more boring.

    And who wants boring?
